Cream Cheese substitute
Substitute Food

Top 20 😍 Best Substitute for Cream Cheese in Baking/Frosting

Have you ever run out of the main ingredient? If yes, then I would like to tell you that you are in the same boat. Actually, we all forget the main ingredients sometimes. We know that you can’t make your dish without it and you don’t have time to visit a grocery store and purchase the missing ingredient. You need not worry because every ingredient has its substitute. That’s why we have experimented and made a list of the best Cream Cheese Substitute.

We know that it’s not easy to find the best substitute still, but we have done it for you. First, You have to know what is Cream Cheese exactly. so that you can differentiate and choose the best option for you.

What is Cream Cheese Exactly?

Cream Cheese is basically soft in nature. It is the result of the reaction between pasteurized cream, whole milk, and lactic acid. Lactic acid, thickens the cream to make cheese. It also helps to make yogurt/curd. Lactic acid is responsible for the tangy taste in curd. It is easy to make Cream Cheese at home. You just need some lemon juice, salt, and Cream. Blend well all of these. Your Cream Cheese is ready!

Health Benefits of Cream Cheese:

Every food product has a different nutrient profile. There are many types of cheese available in the market. Here, we are going to talk about the health benefits of Cream Cheese. First, we have to know the nutrient profile.

Nutrient Profile of Cream Cheese:

  • Calories: 99
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Fat: 10 grams
  • Carbs: 2 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Vitamin A: 10% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 5% of the DV

Benefits of Cream Cheese:

  • It is a good source of Vitamin A.
  • It is rich in antioxidants.
  • It may have some probiotic properties.
  • It contains less lactose.

What Can I Substitute for Cream Cheese within a Recipe/Dish?

We know that it takes time to get the perfect substitute so that your recipe/dish won’t spoil. Every ingredient has its substitutes likewise, Cream Cheese. Here, we have the best 20 substitutes for Cream Cheese you can use in your recipe/dish without any hesitation because everything works very well.

1. Mascarpone Cheese:

Mascarpone cheese

Mascarpone Cheese is the best substitute for Cream Cheese because it is richer and creamier in nature. It can be used as a substitute for a lot of things like Cream Cheese. Mascarpone Cheese is perfect for desserts to give natural sweetness. It’s usually helpful for making Italian desserts like tiramisu.

If you miss the tangy flavor of Cream Cheese when replacing it with Mascarpone Cheese. You can add some yogurt or lemon juice to get a little sour flavor. Mascarpone Cheese has low sodium but double the fat as compared to Cream Cheese.

2. Greek Yogurt:

Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt is the healthiest yogurt ever. It is high in protein and fat. Greek Yogurt is thicker than plain yogurt. It is creamier than the hung curd. You can take the same amount of Greek Yogurt as the Cream Cheese. It is the best alternative to Cream Cheese.

3. Ricotta:


Ricotta Cheese originated in Italy. It tastes milder than the other cheese but gives a milky aftertaste. If you want the same texture as the Cream Cheese, you should add some curd to it and mix well to get the right texture for making dips. For making cheesecakes and frosting cakes, you have to mix heavy cream in place of curd to get the right texture and taste. It is the best Cream Cheese replacement for you if you are making any of the things mentioned.

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4. Neufchâtel Cheese:

Neufchâtel Cheese

Neufchâtel Cheese is simple and all-around Cream Cheese. It is similar to Cream Cheese, but contains low fat and with slightly rich. It can be easily found in the United States in the form of brick packed in paper boxes next to the normal Cream Cheese. Don’t worry! due to less fat, it won’t change the taste. The resulting taste would be the same as the Cream Cheese. You may face some issues like cracking in your dish/recipe due to low fat.

If you are using Neufchâtel Cheese for baking, the texture would not be the same as the Cream Cheese but slightly different. Basically, all this depends on the temperature and duration of baking. We are suggesting you use Neufchâtel Cheese for dips and spreads. This actually works as a Cream Cheese alternative.

5. Nut-Based “Cream Cheese”:

Nut-Based “Cream Cheese”

As you know that the world of cheese is so much huge. There are so many types of dairy-free cheese available in the market. If you are vegan and want to use dairy-free cheese, you can make your own at home. You just need some cashews and a blender to make vegan cheese for your dish. You can also add some other nuts like hazelnut, almond, walnut, etc.

6. Hung Curd/Strained Yoghurt/Kerned Yogurt:

hung curd

We would recommend full-fat yogurt to get the same consistency and the same texture. You can easily make hung curd at home. First, you just need plain curd, cheesecloth, and a bowl. Pour the plain curd into the cloth and squeeze it well so that the extra water is removed from it. Hang it so long if you want that long. The longer you hang the curd, the thicker one you would get. The resulting curd would be tangy in flavor, but you can add some honey or original maple syrup to give a sweet taste.

7. Sour Cream:

Sour cream

Sour Cream is a common ingredient that can be found in anyone’s refrigerator. It is the most convenient substitute. When you run out of Cream Cheese, you can use sour cream to make dips and sauces, blend it into a rich topping for salad, etc. It is slightly sour in taste. We don’t recommend using Sour Cream for soups because on heating there are high chances of cream curdle. You should replace Cream Cheese with Sour Cream in the same ratio of 1:1.

Q. can you substitute cream cheese for sour cream?

A. Yes, you can substitute Cream Cheese for Sour Cream.

8. Kefir:


Kefir is basically a Turkey drink. It is fermented and slightly sour in taste. The fermented drink has so many health benefits including some digestion benefits. Kefir is so thin, it is more watery as compared to Cream Cheese. You need cheesecloth and fold it until you get 4 four layers of cloth. Now, pour it into a cheesecloth and hang it.

The resulting product would be the best Cream Cheese replacement. You have another option too. You can add 1/4 cup of chia seeds into Kefir and blend well for 30 mins. so that the water gets absorbed by the chis seed and the kefir becomes thickened to use as a substitute.

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9. Cottage Cheese:

cottage cheese

Cottage Cheese is not as creamy as Cream Cheese. It is low in fat and calories. If you want the same consistency as the Cream Cheese. You can add some heavy cream, but it would increase the calories as well. Doing a little effort you can change the cottage cheese into the adjacent Cream Cheese.

Just go for whole milk cheese and add some lemon juice for the sour flavor and blend it until it gets smooth and thick. You also strain it through a cheesecloth until you reached the texture you want.

10. Farmer’s Cheese:

Farmer’s Cheese

Farmer’s Cheese can be made easily using milk and Kefir at home. It is a crumbly fresh cheese that can be used as a replacement for Cream Cheese by adding some heavy cream. Just add some heavy cream to make it thick. You can add some lemon juice to make it sour in taste. This substitute for Cream Cheese is good for fillings and can be used as a spread.

11. Tofu:


Tofu is easily available in the market. It has several varieties depending on the level of texture. When we rank from softer to harder (silken, regular, firm, extra-firm, and super-firm) These varieties of Tofu come out. We can easily make a great Cream Cheese substitute using Tofu, but it all depends on the texture or hardness of Tofu and its water content as well. Silken Tofu is a Japanese Tofu. It has the highest water content and can be used in a ratio of 1:1.

Regular Tofu is a bit more firm but soft as same as the Silken Tofu. It is mostly used for making dips. You can add a little lemon juice with honey to make a fruit dip. Firm Tofu is firmer than Silken and regular Tofu. It is easily available to purchase in your grocery store.

12. Goat Cheese:

goat cheese

Goat Cheese is denser than Cream Cheese. It has a stronger and more assertive flavor than Cream Cheese. This is the reason it is mostly used for sweet recipes and spread onto bagels and muffins. It can be whipped to become fluffier and more spreadable. This can be a good alternative to Cream Cheese. It won’t be a cheaper Cream Cheese alternative for you.

13. Gournay Cheese:

Gournay Cheese

If you are making a dip for your side dishes, you can use Gourney Cheese. It is also known as French Cream Cheese. You can’t use this substitute for everything. It is very effective for making a savory dip and spread. It is available in different flavors so keep this in mind before using it. You may need to omit some seasoning from your recipe.

14. Vegan Cream Cheese:

Vegan Cream Cheese

Vegan Cream Cheese contains low fat and low cholesterol. It is beneficial for heart patients. There are lots of Vegan Cream Cheese available in the market. You can make your own Vegan Cream Cheese using Tofu as listed above. So, you don’t have to worry about what to use to make Cream Cheese at home.

15. Gervais Cheese:

Gervais Cheese

Gervais Cheese is a French Cheese. It contains 60-70% milk fat. The texture of Gervais Cheese is similar to the very soft Cream Cheese. It can be spreadable perfectly. If you are not in Europe, it is difficult to find. If you have Gervais Cheese, you don’t need to worry about not having the Cream Cheese.

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16. Little Swiss:

Little Swiss

Little swiss is another type of French cheese. It is a great alternative to Cream Cheese. Little swiss cheese is unsalted and has the same texture as yogurt. When mixed with a sweetener such as honey, marmalade, jam, or even chocolate, it becomes the best substitute for frosting.

17. Hummus:


Hummus is another type of Cream Cheese substitute. The main ingredient of Hummus is chickpeas (also called Bengal gram, garbanzo or garbanzo bean, or Egyptian pea) mixed with tahini sauce, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and garlic. Tahini Sauce originated from Arab Sauce that harmonizes the ingredients and has salt and fat-like characteristics. It perfectly works when spread on English muffins and hot bagels.

18. Coconut Cream Cheese:

Coconut Cream Cheese

The Coconut Cream Cheese is really simple to make at home. It is more healthy and sweeter than traditional Cream Cheese. It works perfectly with sweet dishes/recipes. Let’s make it at home. You have to take a well-chilled can of full-fat Coconut milk/Cream and blend it with 1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice with a pinch of salt. Then, strain it in a cool dark place and leave it for 24-36 hours to become cultured.

The longer it sits, the tangier it would be. You can add fresh garlic to make it more savory. Coconut Cream is the best for dips and sauces.

19. Petit Suisse or Double Suisse:

Petit Suisse

Petit Suisse or Double Suisse is another type of French cheese. It is rich, tangy, and slightly sweet in flavor. You can find the Petit Suisse or Double Suisse in small packaging of 30g-60g as same as the yogurt packaging. A large amount of French cheese is sold as Petit Suisse/Double Suisse/Suisse Double. It can be used in any recipe or dish in the same ratio of 1:1.

20. Cashew/Almond Cream Cheese:

Cashew and Almond Cream Cheese
Cashew and Almond Cream Cheese is another option to replace cream cheese in a recipe. It is mostly made from Almond milk. Blending Cashew with Almond milk gives a creamy texture and makes it thicker. Cashew and Almond Cream Cheese is a little fatty and gives a slightly salty taste. It is a dairy-free product and is the best for vegans. Cashew and Almond Cream Cheese works well with a no-bake recipe/dish. You can make a tasty fruit dip by adding a little amount of honey.


How is cream cheese different from cheese?

Cream Cheese is rich in fat content as compared to the cheese and fat repels water that tends to separate from the cheese. In commercial production, guar or carob gums are added to increase their shelf life.

Is cream cheese healthy?

No, cream cheese is not healthy. It doesn't contain nutrient value as much as cheese. The high fat and calorie content of cream cheese are not good enough to consume.

Is cream cheese good for diabetics?

Cream cheese is low in carbs naturally. The only carbs found in it come from natural milk sugar. It doesn't spike blood sugar levels, so it can be consumed by diabetics.

Can cream cheese be frozen?

Cream cheese can be frozen in its original packaging or stored in an airtight container for up to 2 months. It's better to thaw it in the refrigerator whole night before using it in soups, sauces, dips, casseroles, and baked goods.

Now, you know the best Creme Cheese substitute. You can choose according to what you have in the kitchen or you can also buy from amazon. Please! comment down below your questions, and let us know how much informative is this article for you. 🙂

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