Baking soda substitute
Substitute Food

Top 10 😍 Best Substitute for Baking Soda for Cookies, Waffles etc.

Are you baking something delicious? If yes! you might be using baking soda. As we all know that without baking soda any baking dish can’t be fluffy or smooth. If you’re run out of baking soda in between your cooking process. This is not a big issue because we have some Baking Soda Substitutes right here. We know that you are curious to know, what can be used as a substitute for baking soda? Before going ahead to know about the substitute for Baking Soda. We need to know what is Baking Soda, Actually?

What is Baking Soda, Actually?

The scientific name of Baking Soda is sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda is a popular antacid for heartburn and indigestion. It helps to control the stomach acid. Basically, baking soda is a salt that needs acid to generate carbon dioxide gas that helps to make a more fluffy dish. Some researchers say that baking soda helps to improve body reactions to cancer therapy. It doesn’t mean you would suggest some cancer patients add baking soda to their diet. This research is in the beginning stage.

What can I Substitute for Baking Soda?

There are some substitutes for baking soda that you can use before going to the grocery store to buy baking soda. All substitutes are practically used in cooking. So, you don’t need to worry, everything will work fine. Here are the 10 best substitutes for baking soda.

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1. Baking Powder:

Baking Powder

Baking powder is the easiest substitute for baking soda. Baking powder is not the same as baking soda. There is only one similarity i.e both are leavening agents that work in the same way. You have to use the 3 times of baking powder than baking soda to get the same result. If your recipe is based on salt use less baking powder because it has cream of tartar that is also acidic. It can also be used as a baking soda substitute for cookies.

2. Potassium bicarbonate and Salt:

potassium bicarbonate

Potassium bicarbonate and salt are often used in dietary supplements. You have to use a 1:1 substitute for Baking Soda to get the same result in your food. You may add a little salt to balance the recipe. We can’t suggest the exact amount of salt. It depends on your taste basically.

3. Club Soda:

Club Soda

You can use Club soda for making bread, pancakes, and cookies also. The carbon dioxide is used to make bubbly soda. It helps to lift the pancake or bread until you left the batter for sitting out. Club Soda can go flat quickly because the carbon dioxide mix with the air and provide less leavening agent to make your batter fluffy. Club Soda can be a baking soda substitute in banana bread also.

4. Sour Milk:

Sour Milk

If you don’t have sour milk right now, you can make it within 10 mins. You just need to add some lemon juice or vinegar to a cup of milk. After stirring well, let it be as it is for 10 minutes. Now, you can use it as buttermilk. Milk that is sour already is not good for your health it might deteriorate.

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5. Whipped Egg Whites:

whipped egg white

You should use Whipped Egg White as a substitute for Baking Soda. The fluffy nature of Whipped Egg Whites allows air into the batter and makes the food fluffy and soft. Beaten up the eggs to make fluffy food and create many air pockets to lift the batter.

6. Self-Rising Flour:

self rising flour

Self Rising Flour is different than all-purpose flour. Self Rising Flour has included some leavening agents and a little bit of salt to make the food fluffy. Basically, Self Rising Flour is a combination of all-purpose flour, baking soda, and salt. If you want to know the quantity, every cup of Self Rising flour has 1 1/2 cups of baking soda and 1/4 cup of salt. If you are making pancakes and cookies then it would be a great baking soda replacement for you.

7. Whipped Cream:

whipped cream

Whipped Cream works as a Baking Soda substitute somewhere in the cooking. It is really helpful in some simple baking recipes like pancakes and cookies.

8. Baker’s Ammonia:

Baker's Ammonia

The scientific name of Baker’s Ammonia is Ammonium Carbonate. It is the oldest substitute for Baking Soda. You can swap Baker’s Ammonia for Baking Soda in a ratio 1:1. It won’t work for the recipes like cakes, bread, etc because it makes the baked goods crispy which is good for cookies. When you heat the Ammonia, it may smell awful but don’t spoil your food. So, don’t worry! Ammonium Carbonate works better as a baking soda alternative.

9. Double Acting Baking Powder:

Double Acting Baking Soda

A Double Acting Baking Powder creates a double amount of bubbles. First is when we pour it into any liquid and then again when exposed to heat. It makes the food more fluffy than normal baking powder. If you are going to buy baking powder in the store, you should choose double-acting baking powder because it is easily available in stores.

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10. Dry Yeast:

dry yeast

Yeast is the main ingredient in some recipes like bread, pizza dough, etc. It is light brown in color. Dry yeast needs water and sugar to activate. When it’s ready to eat, it digests the sugar. It makes carbon dioxide bubbles and makes the goods fluffier and softer. This can also be the best substitute for Baking Soda in cookies.


Does baking soda work as a stain remover?

Yes, baking soda works as a stain remover when it comes in contact with water. Make a paste with 6 tablespoons of baking soda with 1/3 tablespoons of warm water and rub it into the stains.

Is drinking baking soda good for health?

Everthing has a limit. If you drink too quickly, it can poison your body systems and make you sick. You may face some major diseases kidney failure and dehydration.

Now, you know the best Baking Soda Substitute. You can choose according to what you have in the kitchen or you can also buy from amazon. Please! comment down below your questions, and let us know how much informative is this article for you. πŸ™‚

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