Coriander seed
Substitute Food

Top 10 😲 Best Substitute for Coriander Seeds in Cooking

Coriander has been treasured from India and China. Coriander seeds have a mild flavor, but they enhance the taste of your dishes. It blends with garlic, onion, and chili paste. You can use ground Coriander to make your dish tastier. It is the most popular seasoning around the world. If you don’t have coriander in your kitchen right now. You can use its best substitutes we are going to talk about…

It’s not easy to find the best Coriander Substitute because coriander tastes different and to find the exact taste in other spices is really tough. Don’t worry we have done it already for you. Coriander seeds are often described as tasting earthy, nutty and peppery, and slightly lemony. Before going ahead to know about the Coriander substitutes, we need to know what is Coriander Seed and Ground Coriander, actually?

What is Coriander Seed and Ground Coriander, Actually?

Coriander basically a plant known as Cilantro. Coriander leaves are mostly used for garnishing, but Coriander seeds are used to give flavor to the dish. Coriander seeds are used traditionally in cooking. Some people don’t like the flavor of this seasoning because of its smell.

Ground Coriander basically the powder of Coriander seeds. Ground Coriander is used when spices are heated.

Health Benefits of Coriander:

  • Coriander helps to lower the sugar level.
  • It is beneficial for the heart and brain.
  • It refreshes your mind to generate more positive thoughts.
  • Coriander is rich in immune-boosting antioxidants. It saves you from getting infected and protects your skin.
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What is a Substitute for Coriander?

Coriander is the most popular spice. It is available in both powder and seed form. It’s not really difficult to find the best substitute for Coriander. There is a list of its substitutes right here. You can choose accordingly what you have in the kitchen right now to make your recipe/dish delicious. Let’s explore the amazing coriander substitute:

1. Fennel Seed:

Fennel Seed

Fennel seeds are similar to Cumin seeds. The taste of Fennel seed is sweeter, not bitter as Cumin seed. You can use Fennel seed for flavor and a good texture to the dishes such as roast vegetables. You can also toast the seeds to add them to salad or curry items. Fennel seed flavor blends well with the root vegetable dishes like soups, casseroles, and curries. Yeah! this can be a good Coriander alternative.

2. Cumin Seed:

cumin seed

Cumin is one that can be found in your kitchen or store easily. It doesn’t taste like coriander but it gives the earthy flavor the same as coriander. It is rich in flavor and obtains from the dried Cuminum plant. You can use the same amount of cumin seed as coriander in your dishes.

3. Caraway Seed:

Caraway Seeds

Caraway seeds look similar to the Cumin seed. It gives an almost similar taste to the Coriander seeds. So, there are chances to get the same taste in your dish/recipe without getting frustrated about Coriander’s replacement. People who don’t like coriander are suggested not to use Caraway seeds in their dishes because it is impossible to find the difference between the taste of Coriander seeds and Caraway seeds.

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4. Garam Masala:

garam masala

Garam Masala is a mixture of many hot spices. The spices that are used to make Garam Masala are cumin seed, coriander seed, black pepper, fennel seed, cloves, anise seed, bay leaves, etc. If you are cooking an Indian dish then it is the most helpful as any dry spice substitute. It can be the best ground coriander substitute.

5. Curry Powder:

Curry Powder

Curry Powder is a mixture of spices like cumin, coriander, chili, ginger, etc. Curry powder can be used in any curry dish. Most curry powder contains turmeric that would give a bright yellow color to your dish.

6. Dried Parsley:

dried parsley

Dried parsley gives the same taste as the Coriander. The flavor would be more earthy than Coriander. You can successfully replace the coriander soup, stews, and stir-fries as well.

7. Dried Tarragon:

dried terragon

Tarragon is more difficult to find compared to coriander because when it becomes dry, it also leaves its flavors. If you are using dry Tarragon, 1 teaspoon should be substituted for 1 tablespoon. You can make dry it at home using the oven (heat at 200F) and convert it into ground Tarragon. If you don’t have anything that we have listed here except the Tarragon, you can use it as a Coriander replacement without getting confused.

8.  Oregano:


Oregano has a strong earthy flavor. It’s a herb that is mostly used in Italian dishes. It can be sweeter in taste as compared to the Coriander without being spicy. You can take the same amount of Oregano to the Coriander.

9. Dried Basil:

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dried basil

Dried Basil has a more intense flavor. Generally, dried herbs are 3-4 times stronger than when it’s fresh. It gives an amazing taste to salad, soup, and stews. It can be used as a Coriander alternative because it also gives flavor to the food. You can take the same amount of dried Basil as the Coriander.

10. Dried Dill:

dried dill

Dried Dill recalls the herbal aroma of Parsley, Fennel, and Caraway. It gives anise flavor, but when it becomes dry the flavor reduces to 2-3 times more than the fresh one. It is best when used in soups, vegetables, and pickles. It doesn’t have an earthy and sweet flavor like Coriander.


What works well in a recipe coriander seed or powder?

There is a negligible difference between the taste of coriander seeds and ground coriander. The coriander powder works best in dough, batters, and curry recipes. Whereas coriander seeds works well in chutney & meat rubs.

Can coriander seeds be eaten raw?

Yes, coriander seeds can be eaten raw and roasted. If you have problem like high blood pressure, it's better to drink coriander seed water to remove your swelling in hand, feet, and ankles.

When should I drink coriander seed water?

Coriander helps to remove various toxins from your body. The best time to drink coriander water in the morning. Soak the coriader seeds in a glass a night before, then next day strain and drink it to detoxify your system to start your happy day.

Now, you know the best Coriander Substitute. You can choose according to what you have in the kitchen or you can also buy from amazon. Please! comment down below your questions, and let us know how much informative is this article for you. 🙂

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