how to thicken soup
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How to Thicken Any Soup?

Sometimes, a finished recipe for soup is not worth it. We know that your kitchen is filled with a pleasant aroma of soup. When you are making a delicious soup for everyone and you come to know that it is thin, but you have expected something a little thicker soup in your mind……feeling anxious? Don’t worry! We know that getting the soup with the right consistency can be a tricky task for anyone. Here, we have lots of methods to thicken a soup.

How to Thicken Soup?

There are many ways to thicken a soup. Sometimes, soup takes time to thick after completing the cooking process. If it is already done, you should do what we are going to tell you.

1. Blend All:

If you have made a broth with chunks of vegetables. Pour it through a sieve and take 1/3 of the whole vegetables and mash it through a potato masher, pour the rest 2/3 of the whole vegetables in a soup pot. You can mash vegetables accordingly, you can also mash more vegetables until you get the desired thick consistency. This method works well with starchy ingredients such as potatoes, beans, rice and pasta. You can also blend meat in the soup.

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2. Add Cream or Yogurt:

Adding cream or yogurt to the soup can thicken it. Yogurt is more effective than adding a cream. Be careful not to boil the soup once you have added cream of yogurt, otherwise, it will split and ruin your soup.

3. Add Flour and Cornflour:

You can also use flour or cornflour to make a soup thicker. Take a tablespoon of either flour or cornflour in a bowl and add 3-4 tablespoons of soup and stir well until lumps get vanished and you get a smooth mixture. Now, pour this mixture into a pot of soup and boil it at a simmer flame. Cook for a few minutes to allow the starch granules to burst to thicken.

4. Blend in Bread:

You can blend a torn pieces of bread into the soup to thicken it. Use a milder flavored bread so that it won’t change the taste of the soup. Soak the pieces of bread first then blend well in the soup to make it thicken.

5. Use Butter and Flour Paste:

You can also add butter and flour paste into the soup to make it thicken. Just mix 2tsp of flour with 2 tsp of butter, while the soup is simmering, stir the pasta into the pan. The flour will be dispersed with the help of butter throughout the soup.

Note: You can use this method to thicken a tomato soup, thicken a cream soup, and thicken a chicken soup as well.

How to Thicken Potato Soup?

If your potato soup is thinner than your expectations, you just need to add more potatoes in the boiled form or mashed potatoes or mashed potatoes flakes. Continue adding potatoes until you get the desired consistency. This method also works when trying to thicken soup made in a crockpot.

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How to Thicken Soup with Flour?

It’s is easy to thicken a soup with flour. Here are some steps to thick a soup using flour.

  1. Take 1 cup (250 mL) of hot soup into a small bowl.
  2. Now, mix 1 tablespoon (8 grams) of flour into the small bowl of soup.
  3. Stir the flour and soup mixture into the pot of soup.
  4. Leave the soup to simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Add extra flour if the soup still isn’t thick enough.

How to Thicken Soup with Cornstarch?

You can thicken the soup with cornstarch in simple steps.

  1. Estimate how many cups of liquid are there in your soup pot.
  2. Now, mix 1 tablespoon (25 grams) of cornflour (cornstarch) with 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of water in a bowl for each cup (250 mL) of liquid.
  3. Stir the water and cornflour into the soup and wait for it to thicken.
  4. Cook the soup for a further 2 minutes once it starts to bubble.

How Much Cornstarch to Thicken Soup?

You just need 1 tablespoon of cornflour (corn starch) with 1 tablespoon of water for 250 ml of liquid.

How to Thicken Bean Soup?

You can use flour, arrowroot, corn starch, and potato starch to thicken bean soup. Take 4 tablespoons of any thickening agent with a cup of broth in a bowl, stir it well and add it to the soup pot.

Now, you know how to thicken soup at home without making really hard efforts. Please! comment down below and let us know how much informative is this article for you. 🙂

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