How Long to Cook Hot Pocket in Microwave, Oven, and Air Fryer?
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How Long to Cook Hot Pocket in Microwave, Oven, and Air Fryer?

Hot Pockets come in various flavors such as pepperoni, sausage pizza, ham, and cheese. It is the most convenient meal that can beat your hunger instantly. Hot Pockets get crispy in the microwave and give you a delicious taste. Let’s get that Hot Pocket cooked in the microwave so that you can enjoy having a hot & delicious meal in a few mins.

How to Cook a Hot Pocket?

First, you have to remove the hot pocket cover and place it into the crisping sleeve. Use a microwave-safe plate and microwave for about 2-4 mins. on high power setting. The cooking time of hot pockets may vary due to the number of hot pockets you want to cook. Check the internal temperature reaches 74°C or 165°F to make it safe to consume. Once it reaches the expected temperature range, hold both ends and shake it so well the hot filling mix throughout inside.

How Long to Microwave Hot Pocket?

Microwaving hot pockets is a way to save time. The recommended cooking time for 1100 watts microwave is around 2 mins., but it takes 3 mins. for a 700 watts microwave. If you want to microwave 2 hot pockets together, allow them to cook for 4-5 mins. so that it can be cooked perfectly and give you the same crispiness as you expect.

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The cooking time may vary according to your expected result. If you want to have a soft or crispy hot pocket. You should cook them for 2.5 mins. to get a soft hot pocket. On the other hand, you should increase the cooking time to 3-4 mins. to get the crispy and golden brown Hot Pockets.

Are Hot Pockets Already Cooked?

A hot pocket is frozen pop-tart filled with nasty meat and sauce. You just have to cook it in the microwave for a few mins and let it cook, then it’s edible.

How Long to Cook Hot Pockets in Oven?

First, you have to preheat the oven to 350°F. Unwrap the Hot Pockets and place them on a baking sheet. Don’t use a crisping sleeve in the oven. Finally, carefully remove your Hot Pocket from the oven and enjoy!

Are Hot Pockets Better in the Oven?

If you want to have a hot pocket on the go but you don’t have a microwave and you have enough time to cook it anyhow, you can cook them in the oven instead. Using an oven to cook Hot Pocket takes much longer time than Microwave, but you’ll end up having a supreme crispy hot pocket.

How to Cook Hot Pockets in Air Fryer?

If you don’t have both Microwave and Oven at home but you have an Air Fryer, still you can cook Hot Pockets easily to beat your hunger. You have to be careful when using an Air Fryer. Don’t cook at too high a temperature. The outside pastry will be burned, but the frozen filling will be constant. Using an Air Fryer instead of a Microwave, will not cook the same. The Air Fryer makes the crust more crispy, flaky, and delicious. If you want to eat a soft Hot Pocket, using a microwave is a good option.

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How Long to Put Hot Pockets in Air Fryer?

First, you have to place the hot pockets in the Air Fryer basket. If you are cooking multiple hot pockets, spread them out in a single layer. Now, air fry them at 380°F/193°C for 10-13 mins. If required, flip the hot pockets and cook for 2-3 mins. so that both sides cook perfectly and give you equal crispiness.

All air fryers are different and the heating capacity is also different, so the cooking time may vary.


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