How Long to Grill Boneless / BBQ Chicken Thighs?
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How Long to Grill Boneless / BBQ Chicken Thighs?

Grilled chicken is one of our favorite staples in summer. These are delicious and juicy chicken thighs that everyone loves to have. You have to cook perfectly to get the juicy chicken thighs. The grilling time may vary due to the thickness of chicken thighs. That’s why you need to know how long to grill chicken thighs? Have a look:

How Long to Grill Chicken Thighs?

If you are using Charcoal Grill to cook chicken thighs, it will take around 10-12 mins. per side at 350°F. Keep the lid close throughout the cooking process. Now, flip the chicken and turn the heat from medium to low at 300°F and cook for 12-14 mins. The internal temperature should be 165°F. It’s better to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature.

How Long to Grill Chicken Thighs on Gas Grill?

If you are cooking Chicken Thighs on a gas grill, you have to cook them over indirect heat for 40 mins. Low and slow methods yield more tender results. Grilling chicken on gas also depends on a few factors that may affect your grilling time. How thick or large the chicken pieces are, whether you are cooking over low or high heat.

How Long to Grill Boneless Chicken Thighs?

People love to grill boneless chicken thighs more often. It takes less time as compared to the chicken thighs with bones. Boneless thighs are not only easy to slice but also easy to eat. It takes 7-10 mins. to cook from one side at 350°F, so you may expect it will cook completely 15-20 mins. from both sides. You should cook your chicken thighs until its internal temperature reaches 165°F. You can use a meat thermometer to check the temperature. Make sure to insert the thermometer in the thickest part of the chicken thigh.

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How Long to BBQ Chicken Thighs?

BBQ Chicken Thighs takes 6-10 mins. to cook over direct heat, then switch to indirect heat. The total time it takes to cook BBQ chicken thighs completely is 45-50 mins. The internal temperature should be 175°F when it is cooked on a 350°F barbecue grill. It’s better to check the temperature with a meat thermometer.

If you are using a charcoal grill, chicken picks up the smoky flavor from the fire. You can increase the intensity of smoky flavor by adding some wood chips when you first grill the thighs to boost the smokiness. The good amount of caramelization on the chicken makes the best BBQ chicken which comes from the chicken rub that contains some sugar.

Some Advantages of Cooking BBQ Chicken Thighs:

  • You don’t need to brine the meat. It will stay juicy.
  • They are easy to manage on the grill.
  • The dark meat makes the thighs the most flavorful part of the chicken.

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