cumin seed substitute
Substitute Food

Top 11 😲 Best Substitute for Cumin Seed/Powder

Have you ever wondered? When one of your spices missing while preparing a nice meal for your family and friends? When you think you have all the ingredients, but when you come to know in between the cooking process that something is missing….frustrated?

That may frustrate you at that time, but don’t worry. We understand your feelings. Good thing is that we have a substitute for all the things. Here, we are going to talk about Cumin Substitute. Before going ahead, we have to understand what is cumin basically and from which plant it belongs?

What is a Cumin Seed?

A cumin a dried spice more often found in South Asian countries. It belongs to the parsley family. This spice is mostly used in African, Indian, and some Latin American dishes. Cumin seeds and powder is easily available in the market. If you don’t find cumin in your nearby market, you can use its substitute in your food. It gives a really different flavor to the food. It is used in almost 80% of Indian food. It is majorly grown in China, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, North and South America, and Africa.

What is a Good Substitute for Cumin Seed/Powder?

Whenever you run out of or missing an ingredient, you always need to know about its substitute. Always choose those substitute that blends with your dish and give the almost perfect taste as the original spice you need. There are 10 substitutes for cumin powder/seed you can use in your food.

10 Health Benefits of Cumin Seed:

  1. A good antioxidant
  2. Facilitator of digestion
  3. An energy booster
  4. It may help to improve kidney health
  5. Improves the immune system
  6. Helps to mitigate anemia
  7. May help with diabetes
  8. Fights against bad cholesterol
  9. May help with weight loss
  10. Has antibacterial properties

11 Best Substitutes for Cumin Seed/Powder:

1. Caraway Seeds:

Caraway Seeds

Caraway seeds also belong to the parsley family. It looks like cumin seed but tastes bitter. It is the finest cumin substitute in many dishes. This can be a great alternative to cumin.

What are the benefits of Caraway Seed?

Caraway seeds have massive healing properties. It helps to tone down inflammation, especially in the intestine. It also relieves gastric pains, menstrual cramps, and constipation. Caraway is also known for bladder control and helps to lose weight. It improves digestion and overall health.

  • Use ½ a tsp of Caraway + pinch of paprika to replace 1 tsp of Cumin. 
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2. Fennel Seeds:

Fennel Seed

Fennel and cumin are similar in look but not in taste. Cumin seed gives a bitter aftertaste but fennel gives the sweeter taste. However, Fennel seeds don’t blend that well as the caraway seeds, but they can be used in some dishes like Italian sausages, meatballs, and dips, etc.

What are the benefits of Fennel Seed?

If a person is suffering from high blood pressure he/she should consume fennel seeds in his diet or meal. It helps in some respiratory disorders like aids asthma, etc. It purifies the blood and removes the impurities. It also helps in reducing the inflammation of the intestine and removes the bacteria. Fennel seeds also improve eyesight and relieve constipation.

  • Use ½ a tsp of Fennel seeds for 1 tsp of Cumin seeds. You can always add more if needed.

3. Coriander Seeds:

Coriander seed

Coriander seeds are different in shape as well as taste. It tastes a little sweeter than the cumin seeds. The aroma of coriander seeds is very different. It gives a specific flavor to the food that makes food appealing and delicious. It is mostly used in Indian cuisines, soups, gravy dishes, and meat to enhance the flavor.

What are the benefits of Coriander Seed?

Coriander seeds are good for health. It has many health benefits. Coriander seeds contain Vitamin A and C that help you fight cold and cough. Coriander seeds are more antioxidants that help you digest your food. It maintains the blood sugar level that is good for people who have diabetes and high cholesterol. It helps to sabotage the monthly cycle of women.

  • Use ½ tsp of ground coriander + a pinch of cayenne pepper to substitute 1 tsp of Cumin

4. Chili Powder:

chili powder

As you know chili powder is extremely different from cumin seed powder. Every chili powder maker has a different method to make chili powder. Some include cumin powder to give a better taste to your food. This is the reason the special kind of chili powder can be used as a substitute for Cumin powder.

What are the benefits of Chili Powder?

Before we talk about its benefits, we want to tell you that too much spicy food can cause ulcers, inflammation in the stomach and intestine.
Chili powder is rich in copper and iron minerals. Chili powder increases the blood flow that removes the symptoms of dementia and Alzheimers.

  • Use ½ a tsp of chili powder to replace 1 tsp of cumin powder.
Read More:  Top 12+ 😍 Best Substitute for Black Pepper in Cooking

5. Anise Seed:

Anise Seed

Anise seeds can be used as a cumin substitute. Sprinkling an amount of anise seed can enhance the flavor and aroma of your food. So, this might be a good Cumin replacement.

What are the benefits of Anise Seed?

Anise seeds are more antioxidant. It improves heart health. It has some antibacterial and anti-fungal properties so that it provides you the strength to fight infections like yeast infection, throat infection, urinary infection, etc.

  • Use ½ tsp ground star anise to substitute 1 tsp of ground cumin
  • OR 3 to 4 whole star anise to substitute 1 tsp of cumin seeds

6. Curry Powder:

Curry Powder

Curry powder is usually a mixture of cinnamon, fenugreek seed, coriander, ginger, turmeric, and black pepper. A blend of these spices gives earthy flavor as well as nice savor to the food. It completes the absence of cumin of seed.

What are the benefits of Curry Powder?

As you know curry powder is a mixture of many spices. Every spice has its own capability to fight a different kind of infections or diseases. This mixture of all spices gives you strength in fighting cancer and liver toxicity. It has some antibacterial properties and improves bone health.

  • Use ½ tsp of curry powder to alternate 1 tsp of cumin powder.

7. Taco Seasoning:

taco seasoning

As you can read the name Taco, refers to Mexican food. If you are cooking a Mexican dish, can use Taco seasoning to enhance the flavor. Taco seasoning usually contains paprika, cayenne pepper, ground coriander, kosher salt, and ground cumin. So it can be used as a substitute for cumin seed/powder.

What are the benefits of Taco Seasoning?

Actually, there no specific benefits of taco seasoning because it contains a high amount of salt. It may be troublesome for those who have high blood pressure problems.

  • Use ½ tsp of taco seasoning or less to replace 1 tsp of cumin powder.

8. Garam Masala:

garam masala

Garam Masala is a word that is mostly used in India. Garam Masala contains hot spices like cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaf, black pepper, cloves, nutmeg, coriander, and cumin, etc. It is used almost in every Indian dish.

What are the benefits of Garam Masala?

As you can see the Garama is a mixture of hot spices as well as beneficial for health. It gives a very different flavor to the food. It booms up the metabolism and has lots of antioxidants. It keeps the gut feeling healthy and fights nausea.

  • Use ½ tsp or less of garam masala to substitute 1 tsp of cumin powder.
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9. Brown Mustard Seed:

Brown Mustard Seeds

There are three types of mustard seeds available in the market yellow mustard, black mustard, and brown mustard seed, Brown mustard seeds are also known as Chinese Brown Mustard seeds. If you are cooking food that contains curry, you can use brown mustard seeds as a cumin substitute.

What are the benefits of Brown Mustard Seed?

Brown Mustard Seeds improve your digestive system. It gives strength to gums and bones. It also reduces cancer symptoms.

  • Use ½ tsp of Brown Mustard Seeds or less to replace 1 tsp of cumin seeds.

10. Paprika:


Paprika is a kind of bell pepper that is slightly sweet in taste. It gives a slightly earthy and bitter flavor when cooked. You may consider it as a Cumin replacement

What are the benefits of Paprika?

Paprika is rich in vitamins A and E which improves eyesight, and blood cells. Paprika helps lower blood sugar levels in the body. Paprika contains anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces pain and heals inflammation.

  • Use ½ tsp paprika and ½ tsp chili powder to substitute 1 tsp of Cumin.

11. Chipotle Powder:

chipotle powder

Chipotle powder is made up of jalapeno peppers. The chipotle powder has no added seasoning. Sometimes, it feels like it’s not a substitute for cumin. The reality is it makes an amazing cumin substitute for most of the Indian and Mexican cuisines. When it gets dried, it gives the right earthiness and smokiness to the food.

What are the benefits of Chipotle Powder?

It is rich in antioxidants. it reduces the risk of heart disease and also controls the blood sugar level. It also helps in reducing cholesterol.

  • Use ½ tsp Chipotle powder to replace 1 tsp of cumin powder.


Can I substitute ground cumin for seeds?

Yes, you can easily substitute ground cumin for seeds. You just have to maintain the ratio of 1:2 where 1 refers to ground cumin quantity and 2 refers to cumin seed quantity,

What does cumin seed taste like?

The taste of cumin seed is somewhat earthy and warm. Using ground cumin instead of cumin seed will be a good option in recipes where you want the flavor throughout the recipe.

Are cumin seeds & fennel seeds same?

Fennel seeds have a sweet licorice flavor whereas cumin seeds have a earthy, warm & nutty taste with a slightly bitter notes. When using both of the spices in a recipe, give an aromatic aroma.

Now, you know the best cumin seed substitute. You can choose according to what you have in the kitchen or you can also buy from amazon. Please! comment down below your questions, and let us know how much informative is this article for you. 🙂

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