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How Long to Cook Frozen French Fries in Air Fryer?

French Fries are crispy from the outside and creamy in the middle, dusting with an interesting coating of salt. Generally, we make french fries through the deep-frying process, but it sounds unhealthy because we have other cooking methods. One of them is air frying which makes you feel like you are eating far more healthy than deep-fried ones.

There is only a difference between deep-fried and air-fried french fries. You only need to drizzle a little amount of oil to make them crispy in the air fryer, unlike deep frying. Using less oil in fries makes them a healthier option than the regular deep-fried ones. We can also cook frozen french fries in the air fryer. People often make mistakes using an air fryer because they don’t know how long to cook french fries in an air fryer?

How Long to Cook Fries in Air Fryer?

The cooking time basically depends on your air fryer because there are different types of air fryers available in the market. All have different heating capacities so the timing may differ from what we are recommended. First, you have to preheat the air fryer at 380°F. Now, place the potatoes in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Drizzle a very little oil over the fries and cook them for 12-15 mins.

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How Long to Cook Fries in Air Fryer?

Shake the basket when half the time passed and cook until crispy. If you don’t see your fries crispy, keep them cooking for a little longer time. Once all batches finished cooking toss them all back into the air fryer basket for 1-2 mins. to warm and re-crisp those cold fries from earlier batches.

Tips to Cook Normal French Fries in Air Fryer:

  • Cook in Batches: It’s important to cook all the potatoes fries in a single layer in the air fryer basket. If you overcrowd the fries, you will not get the crispy texture, but a soggy one. There must be a little space between one another so that they can cook perfectly. In order to give them some space, you need to cook them in batches.
  • Keep Cooking Until Crispy: There are different types of air fryers in the market and their heating capacity may vary. So, the time of cooking french fries also may vary. We recommend checking your first batch at 12 mins. mark and adjust the further timing according to how they look at that stage. If they are not crispy, keep cooking until you get the desired result.
  • Taste is more important than its appearance: Sometimes, you may see your french fries start to look done than they are done actually. Taste a french fry from the batch to check it’s soft from the inside and crispy from the outside before moving on to a new batch.
  • Toss them all together in the end: No one likes soggy, cold fries, so toss them all together for 1-2 mins. before eating. This quick step will reheat the fries of earlier batches and maintain the crispiness as well.
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How Long to Cook Frozen Fries in Air Fryer?

French Fries can be of different thicknesses that can cook differently. So, adjust the timings accordingly. You don’t need to drizzle extra oil over the fries. Frozen French Fries are already cooked in oil so when you cook them in the air fryer they will release the oil.

Don’t waste your time and place the french fries in the air fryer basket and cook them at 400°F for about 10-15 mins. Depending on the thicken it may vary. Make sure to gently shake or toss the fries for even heating. Your crispy french fries with less oil are ready to eat.

How Long to Cook Thick Cut Frozen French Fries?

Start cooking them in the air fryer according to our recommended base time. If you feel like it’s not as crispy as you expected, you can cook further for 2-3 mins.

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